How to buy new OrthoK lenses?See us and save on your next set of Orthokeratology lenses. While some practices charge as much as $550 per lens, our prices start from just $350 per lens, custom designed for your eyes. We believe in delivering the best value to our customers, as well as the best experience and treatment outcomes.
Our fully-customised OK lenses can also achieve superior vision correction and fitting than standard lens designs. Customised lenses are ideal are all eyes, particularly higher prescriptions, astigmatism and more complex eye shapes. New to Orthokeratology? Learn about our Ortho K Treatment Plans here.
FOR OUR EXISTING CUSTOMERSPricing for our OrthoK patients using fully-customised EyeSpace Forge lenses: · Regular Spherical OK lens — $350 each / $700 per pair · Complex Astigmatic/High Myopia OK lens — $400 each / $800 per pair TO ORDER Our clinic has your lens design parameters on file to reorder your OrthoK lenses at any time. A 3 month warranty applies to replacement lenses from the date of order. Call our reception team on (03) 9819 7695 to order your new OrthoK lenses. 50% deposit required at time of ordering. FOR NEW CUSTOMERSWe can also supply Menicon Z Night and Paragon CRT lenses for patients wearing these older OrthoK lens designs. · Menicon Z Night OK lens — $300 each · Paragon CRT Spherical OK lens — $350 each · Paragon CRT Dual Axis OK lens — $400 each TO ORDER A current valid OrthoK lens prescription with all necessary parameters is required to order these lenses. Your lenses will usually be ready 2-3 weeks from time of order. For further information or pricing, email your prescription to [email protected] Please note that ongoing reviews are recommended for any OrthoK wearer to ensure good eye health, vision and that the correct treatment effect is achieved by your lenses. Any lens made according to parameters provided by another practice are not covered by warranty and no alteration is possible. REFITTING TO CUSTOMISED ORTHO K LENSESMany of our patients enjoy a better orthokeratology experience wearing our latest generation of fully-customised OK lenses, designed individually by our optometrist based on precise 3D corneal topography. Every lens is unique. Compared to standardised OrthoK lenses evaluated with trial fitting sets, we can achieve more precise and faster corneal reshaping for superior vision quality, comfort and lens fit, while correcting a wider range of prescriptions. Our highly experienced Orthokeratology practitioner Dr Philip Cheng – a Fellow of the International Academy of Orthokeratology & Myopia Control (FIAOMC) – has successfully designed and fitted complex OrthoK lenses for high prescriptions as much -10.00 of myopia (short-sightedness) and over -4.00 of astigmatism, using custom-design OrthoK lens technology. In contrast, older technology such as Paragon CRT lenses are approved for prescriptions up to -6.00 of myopia and -1.75 of astigmatism, and several more basic OrthoK systems can correct only -5.00 of myopia or less. Custom design gives our optometrist complete control of the lens shape and parameters for better results. This clinic is one of the most experienced in orthokeratology in all of Australia – we currently look after more than 1000 OrthoK patients. HEALTH FUND REBATEYour private health insurance optical benefits can be used for OrthoK lenses. The amount rebatable depends on your individual policy. The health fund item numbers for Orthokeratology lenses are 873 (Single) and 874 (Pair). Some health fund providers may use the item numbers for hard contact lenses/rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses — item 812 (Spherical lenses) or 822 (Toric lenses). We accept all health funds and can claim for you in-store via HICAPS. |