This is an outline of our fitting program for new OrthoK wearers.
The fitting of an OK lens is unique to every eye. As no two eyes are exactly the same, no two lenses are identical either. Regular professional consultations and reviews are required to provide you with lenses that offer the best vision possible while maintaining optimal eye health and comfort.
Fees & Costs
We understand the process of getting OK lenses sounds complex. We aim to simplify the process for you and make OrthoK more accessible by providing clear information and transparent pricing to our patients. Our treatment plan package fees are all inclusive of consultations, diagnostic tests and a set of custom-designed lenses to get you started.
The OrthoK Treatment Plan you need will depend on your prescription, type of treatment and your eyes’ shape parameters — this is established and discussed with you at your initial assessment consultation.
Your case will fall into one of the following treatment plans, as advised by the optometrist:
Standard OK: $1800 for both eyes
Complex OK: $2000 for both eyes
Single Eye OK: $1400 (where only one eye requires correction)
A Complex case usually involves one of the following:
Corneal astigmatism requiring a toric/dual-axial OK lens design for optimal fit & vision, and/or
High myopia prescriptions of -6.00 dioptres or greater
Each of the above OrthoK Treatment Plans include:
One set of fully customised OK lenses for your first year of OrthoK vision treatment.
Orthokeratology and myopia management consultations within the first 12 months. This includes corneal topography scans, eye imaging, lens design, fitting appointment, instruction lesson and multiple reviews of treatment effect and eye health. It is expected that 5-6 visits are required during the initial 12 months of starting OrthoK treatment; complex cases may require more visits.
For individuals with high prescriptions we provide a supply of disposable soft lenses for daytime use to supplement your OrthoK treatment during the initial adaptation period.
24/7 support: Our optometrist is available to help should you ever encounter any difficulties with your Ortho K lenses or your eyes while under our care. You and your child's safety with Ortho-K correction is our top priority.
Our all-inclusive package pricing means there are no additional, unexpected fees to worry about for the first 12 months.
Replacement Lenses
Replacement of your OK lenses every 12-18 months is recommended to ensure optimum eye health, comfort and vision treatment effect. The current pricing of a pair of custom-made OK lenses is between $700-$800, depending on the lens design, prescription and complexity. One single replacement lens is between $350-$400. See here for further information about purchasing replacement lenses.
There is no Medicare rebate for orthokeratology or contact lens fitting unless you have a high prescription (eg. high myopia of over -5.00, or -3.00 of astigmatism), pending patient eligibility. Medicare rebates may apply for general eye tests and ongoing eye health consultations.
Health Fund Rebate
If you have private health insurance — such as Medibank Private, BUPA, HCF and NIB — your optical benefits may cover part of the initial Ortho-K Fitting Program costs, as well as part of your yearly replacement lenses. The amount rebatable depends on your optical cover policy. The health fund item number for Orthokeratology Contact Lenses (Pair) is 874. Some health fund providers may use the item numbers for regular rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses instead, item 812 (Spherical lenses) or 822 (Toric lenses). We accept all health funds and can claim for you in-store via HICAPS.
Book a consultation to evaluate your suitability for OrthoK.