Change the way you think about optometry.Eyecare Concepts is so much more than about glasses. We are dedicated to primary eye care, which means you can come see us first about any concern you have about your eyes. Besides vision correction, our therapeutically-qualified optometrist is endorsed by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) to prescribe scheduled medicines to diagnose and prescribe treatment for many eye conditions. We place the care of your eyes and eye health first.Which is why, at our practice you'll notice most of our premises is dedicated to eye testing and clinical care, with a complete suite of the latest in advanced eye care diagnostic technologies. We are not just another glasses shop. And as we believe that personalised eye care should be accessible to all, our comprehensive vision and eye health consultations are bulk billed. For everyone. |
We are dedicated to helping children with myopia.Our optometrist has an interest in myopia control and orthokeratology to prevent and slow the progression of short-sightedness in kids and teenagers. As a clinic which offers a complete range of evidence-based myopia management options — including both optical and medical treatments — we are proud of what we do to prevent vision deterioration in children and to give them the best possible vision in life. As a parent you can expect our unbiased professional opinion as to which myopia control strategy is best for your child. Preventative eye care is what this clinic is about. Discover why parents from all across Melbourne are choosing Eyecare Concepts for their children's vision care. The myopia epidemic is real.
Short-sightedness is not just a vision issue, or a matter of wearing glasses. It is an eye condition with potentially serious consequences and risk of permanent vision impairment. While wearing glasses or contact lenses help to temporarily mask this condition by eliminating blur, a short-sighted eye is more prone to developing disease as the eye has been physically and permanently stretched from growing too long. Myopia is a children's health issue. More kids around the world are developing vision problems from myopia, and from an earlier age, than in any previous generation. Not only in Asia but in the United States, Europe and also in Australia. It's a global phenomenon. In these times of urbanisation, education and digital technologies, the myopia problem will only get worse without intervention. It is predicted that half of the world's population will be short-sighted by the year 2050. |
Our optometrist's story:"I still remember the day I got glasses for the first time, at just 7 years old. My dad took me to an optometrist and they found out I had problems seeing in the far distance. As my eyesight continued to deteriorate while growing up, going to the optometrist every year to get stronger lenses was just a fact of life of being short-sighted. And over time, my glasses got ever stronger, thicker and heavier. Being completely dependent on my glasses or contact lenses every moment of my life is no fun. Without them, everything is just a blur. I also know with my high myopia of over -8.00 and eye length of 28.2mm, I am at high risk of developing eye diseases such as retinal detachment, glaucoma and myopic macular degeneration. Even now, having had a vitreous detachment several years ago, I constantly suffer from large, dense floaters moving about in my vision. I do worry about losing my eyesight. Everyone would. Vision is such a precious thing. With advancements in technologies and scientific knowledge we now have treatments to effectively slow down and stop myopia progression that simply were not available when I was a child. As an optometrist I've seen too many adults with high myopia like myself who didn't have the options available to prevent their vision deterioration, and I also see many adults now in their later years having to endure vision impairment from eye diseases associated with their myopia. So my wish for this clinic is to provide the opportunity for today's children to grow up with better vision and healthier eyes, for life." Philip Cheng Optometrist - Clinic Director |